Clacton (again)

Last weekend we went to Clacton again, to test out caravan 2. We went to a different holiday park this time, the Haven, which seemed much better than the Park resort we went to before, albeit with a lot more merchandising aimed at kids. Thankfully Nicky isn't really aware of too much of it yet, but it won't be long before he's asking us to buy him things.

Apart from the rain it was a nice weekend, I finally convinced Nicky that he can do more in a swimming pool than just running around with the water up to his waist, and I even got him lying down and kicking his legs, so hopefully we'll get him learning to swim soon. He also loved Rory the Tiger and assorted friends.

The caravan seems to be working well, just needed a couple of lights replaced in preparation for the journey down to Glastonbury next Tuesday evening. The awning is really handy and will give us a lot more space, making it a lot easier if it's muddy (which it won't be, fingers crossed!)

Keane Ingram

A father of three and husband of one. I enjoy spending time with my family, staying active (especially cycling, running and capoeira) and playing video games. I also enjoy reading and watching films.

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